mcdonalds Tag

Marketing Strategy in a Post-Truth Society I got off the freeway and drove straight to the car wash. My car is always covered with a fine layer of sand on it when I get back from visiting my parents in Palm Desert, not to mention...

I want to be a non-conformist like everyone else. That, combined with a large dose of creepiness, is where society seems to be heading. Thanks to Big Data, companies are now racing to “personalize” the experiences of each and every one of us.  When I’m in...

CNN is running an ad campaign I like quite a bit. Rather than taking a defensive posture against charges of “fake news,” the company goes on the offensive, claiming the high ground of owning the truth. The introductory spot focused on an apple, simply displayed...

McDonalds needs a psychiatrist. We’re beyond talk therapy here. There is some deep-seated personality disorder that seems to require some serious medication. The chain, under siege for selling low-quality, bad for you food, is using their brand to test a “futuristic, French-style McDonald’s” called “McCafe.” An...

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